March 14, 2013 General Membership Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting
March 14, 2013

President Tim Klaben called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Guest Speakers:
George Hank, City of Madison Building Inspector
Joe Reinhart, Eastside Catering and Hall
Terri Her, Acewood Alliance Pantry

George Hank spoke about the need for property owners to request a building permit with all remodeling projects for “peace of mind”. Contractors should pick up permits for all projects which show Contractor bonding and insurance. website is a good resource to check prior to any building/construction and has a connection to the Neighborhood Association websites. The Exterior Property Enforcement guide has city rules and violation reports. Complaints can be done online but the most important complaint is the second which a ticket can be issued. Construction time frame in completing an exterior project is two years; interior projects are open-ended. The city of Madison has 21 inspectors that cover new construction, heating and electrical, plumbing and heating, property maintenance, and housing inspections dealing with complaints. A project with a minimum of $500 needs a permit. Fees for a permit are based on the project, $25 being the minimum.

Joe Reinhart discussed the potential business of Eastside Catering and Hall, formerly known as Talula’s, coming into the neighborhood. It would entail meeting rooms, meals after funerals and wedding receptions. The hours would be noon to bar-time with a Safe Ride program within a 15 mile radius. Security would be provided between 9:00 p.m.-midnight. Alder Cnare stated that the proposal would be put in front of the Alcohol Review Board for a permit on 3/20/13 and in front of the Common Council on 4/16/13 for the Public Hearing. A discussion of the neighborhood attendees regarding the proposed name vs. “restaurant” in the name took place.

Terri Her announced that the Acewood Alliance Pantry was in its second month of operation distributing 150 # of food/week. The goal is to serve 6 households/week. They are in need of volunteers and provide one-hour training prior to working. The Pantry is open on Thursdays from 11:30-3:30 p.m. and the greatest needs are for food and hygiene donations. The Million Pound Challenge is available by registering on a website and connecting to a Food Pantry while physically working out at a Health Club. They are hopeful that grant proposals will enable an addition onto the New Beginnings Alliance Church with a joint Food and Clothing Pantry in the future.

Melissa Sargent, WI Representative for the State Assembly, was present to introduce herself to the neighborhood and to mention that the fear of the McKenzie Center closing would not be happening and that the DNR would keep it as is. Jeff Pertl, Candidate for County Supervisor introduced himself to the neighborhood.

President Tim Klaben presented Alder Lauren Cnare and stated that on 3/25/13 in the Gym of the Door Creek Church, a District 3 Council Neighborhood Forum would take place with the two candidates running for the Alderman position to discuss issues/topics of interest.

President Klaben announced the upcoming WISDOT meeting concerning Hwy 51/Cottage Grove Bridge Replacement, Ramps, and Approaches to be held on Tuesday, 3/19/13 at LaFollette High School at 6:00 p.m. On 3/20/13 Melissa Sargent would be present at the Whitehorse Middle School to discuss the same topic.

President Klaben discussed developing a combined Watch Program for RMNA and the Heritage Heights Neighborhood with the help of the City of Madison Police Department and Alder Cnare. An Online program called Nextdoor was presented for welcoming and getting acquainted with your neighbors. It would also be a communication between your neighbors to present issues of the neighborhood for safety as well.

Announcements for the RMNA upcoming events:

  1. RMNA Block Captain Meeting on Thursday, 4/11/12 @ the Great Dane at 7 p.m.
  2. RMNA Annual Park Cleanup, McGinnis Park-Sunday, 4/21/13 at 1:00 p.m.
  3. RMNA Neighborhood Garage Sale to be held June20th-June 22nd with a Brat/Hotdog Sale at Sentry Grocery Store on Saturday, June 22nd.
  4. Next RMNA meeting with be Thursday, June 6th at 7 pm at the New Beginnings Alliance Church

Jordy Natzke, Treasurer reported that the RMNA account has $2,880.27.

Additional discussion – having a Horticulturist speak regarding gardening and tree care at an upcoming meeting. A suggestion of neighborhood meetings to be held every other month between September through June. Jordy Natzke suggested holding 3 Brat Sales/year as fundraisers. Another suggestion was holding Plant Exchanges with neighborhood people and donating profits to RMNA.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Maureen Engelberger, Secretary.