September 13, 2012 General Membership Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting
September 13, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:35 pm by Vice President Matt Karnick followed by an introduction of new attendees.

Speaker for the evening—Gail Gawenda, Madison Water Utility who gave handouts about the new Smart Meter program that will be instituted this year throughout Madison.

The Smart Meter is a wireless meter that contains miniature, low frequency radio transceivers. These meters are installed, usually in the basement, and transmit data to Madison Water Utility. With the installation of Smart Meters instead of the six months billing system, a monthly billing system will be introduced this year in Madison. (A Public Service Commission requirement)

Reasons for the replacement meters given were that the meters now in homes are getting old and obsolete (new ones aren’t being made); reduced costs and energy conservation by saving gas on trucks used to read meters; improve leak detection and online access to your own consumption information that will help in budgeting.

Addressing safety concerns, Ms. Gawenda stated that Smart Meters have a quarter to half less radio frequencies than cell phones, laptop computers and microwave ovens. After a review of scientific literature, Madison and Dane Co. Public Health do not see any danger to the public.

Installation process—customers will be contacted by mail to arrange an appointment with Corix Utilities. Installation takes about 30 minutes. An adult over 18 must be present.

Opting Out Implementation and costs for an opt out policy are being considered by the State Public Service Commission. Customers interested in opting out can delay installation and put on a list for the approved opt-out policy by calling the Opt Out Information Line at 264-5323 or by using “Ask Us, Tell Us” online.

For further information there will be an open house  on Sept. 27th from 6:00 -8:00pm at the Alicia Ashman Library with participants that include people who make the meters, Water Utility personnel and the Health Dept. The address is 733 N. High Point Rd.

Motion by Darold Lowe and seconded by Margaret Schnurbusch to approve Secretaries minutes. Motion passed.

President’s Report—Vice President Matt Karnick reported that the Brat Sale was a success, thanked the volunteers who participated and that the Treasurer will make a financial report at the next meeting.


The following officers were elected by casting a unanimous ballot:

  • President: Tim Klaben
  • Vice President: Matt Karnick
  • Treasurer: Jordy Natzke
  • Secretary: Maureen Engelberger
  • Board Members: Vern Maiers, Merl Maiers, Mike Brewer, and Darold Lowe

Alder Lauren Cnare gave a budget report that included putting a stoplight on Cottage Grove Rd by the Great Dane location; money in the budget for an Eastside Fire Station, Library and a possible facility for the homeless. Alder Cnare thinks the facility has merit but there needs to be a commitment from the County. Further Questions from attendees about Smart Meters were answered after the meeting by Alder Cnare.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40.

Submitted by
Gretchen Lowe, Secretary