June 14, 2012 General Membership Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting
June 14, 2012

President Tim Klaben called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.

County Board Supervisor Jeff Pertl's Report:
Atwood Ave Intersection will be closed to widen the road there.
Dempsey Road Royster property to be developed...commercial area will be developed first and then housing.

The bike path is to be extended.

Frontier and Southwest airlines will have flights running at Dane County airport in June. There is a petition before the County Board to revisit the airport noise issue and environmental impact.

Smart Meters- a phone is built into the meter and water usage relayed to truck that reports information to Water Utility Department. There may be an opt out provision.

President's Report by Tim Klaben

We are in phase 2 of the water utility's smart meter plan and will have a speaker from Water Utility at our September meeting.

Remediation is in the process at Klinke's Dry cleaning on Monona Drive due to a dry-cleaning leak.

Soil tests at Kipp reveal that chemicals did not get in the ground water-- make sure water table is intact.

There have been complaints regarding military F16's & helicopter noise.

President Klaben thanked Board members who staffed election day display and said we need to do it again and include other members in this action.

Secretary's minutes: Matt Karnick moved and Darold Lowe moved approval. Motion passed

Treasurers Report: Jordy Natzke was excused from this meeting and will make report at next meeting.

Vice President's Report by Matt Karnick
There are eight new Street Captains that volunteered at our election day display. Matt has talked to all of them who are excited about helping with the neighborhood association.

Brat and Hot dog sale:   Matt will find volunteers to staff our June 23 event. Discussion followed regarding advertising and amounts to charge for food items.

Garage Sales: An ad will be put on Craigslist and in Wisconsin State Journal.

Pastor Baxter Enum announced he would print up copies of our Brat Sale flier and distribute them. He also announced a Four Lakes church free clothing drive to be held on the 2nd Saturday in August. He asked that if garage sale participants had any leftover clothing, they could bring it to the church for distribution.

Sign Committee: Darold Lowe reported that the new sign that is to be placed at Portland Pkwy and Milwaukee St. is in the process of being built. A grant is being applied for and the additional sign funds should cover the cost. The sign should be installed by July.

A nominating committee needed for election of officers composed of people who are not officers-- Merle and Vern Maiers and Darold Lowe volunteered. Any others interested, please contact Tim Klaben.

Neighbors Concerns: A GPS was stolen from a car on Shearwater; A car was egged on Flora.

Next meeting September 13th-- Election of officers and Water Utility Representative
Meeting adjourned at 7:30pm


Respectfully submitted
Gretchen Lowe, Secretary