March 21, 2012 General Membership Meeting Minutes
General Membership Meeting
March 21, 2012
Meeting called to order by President Klaben at 6:35.
Motion made to approve the secretary's minute by Merl Maiers, seconded by Darold Lowe.
Dane County Supervisor Donald Imhoff talked about the possibility of committee changes on the Dane County Board of Supervisors and presented a handout regarding the Clean Lakes Alliance Initiative, a study committee for potential expansion of the Alliant Energy Center property, the new interoperable radio system and Phase 2 of Monona Drive.
Alder Lauren Cnare reported that the City will do a better tree replacement job when replacing the Ash trees by stopping at a certain size to avoid the V shaped trimming. Regarding the City budget, the Central Library remodeling is scheduled to be finished by 2014 and their is discussion of the Pinney Branch moving to the Royster property.
The Fire Station land on I94 and Sprecher Road-- The Fire department has submitted a grant to train people and the Johnson St. Fire Dept. may be part of an apartment structure by a private developer.
Cottage Grove Road is scheduled to be a four lane road that includes making the two lane bridge to four lanes.
Royster Clark property plan has been adopted for housing, commercial and potential offices.
Grandview Commons store-- will be breaking ground in 2013.
The Sentry store is vulnerable and will need support to keep it going. She was hopeful Sentry will make some good changes to improve their store in order to make this happen.
Some concerns from those attending:
Park Rangers, Junky yards (call Building Inspection or report on their webpage) Alder Cnare stated that she would not seek re-election and going to send out a survey to get input from residents on their opinion of what needs to be done in the district on better quality of life issues.
President's Report
RMNA new brochure was drafted, printed and delivered by Pastor Baxter Exum. Our webpage now has a new domain name --
Earth Day Cleanup will be April 22 at 1:00pm McGinnis park and will break up into teams to clean area parks.
Treasurer's Report
- Sign Account $1944.47
- Working balance $578.54
- Total $2,523.01
Sign Committee
Darold Lowe reported that the Executive Board approved 3 locations for another Rolling Meadows Neighborhood sign 1) Portland Pkwy and Milwaukee St. 2) McGinnis Park (Crystal Lane) 3)Diamond Dr and Crystal Lane. Signs by Designs bid $2145 plus tax for a total of $2250. We would have to apply for the Grant program again to received funding.
Next meeting June 14, 2012
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted
Gretchen Lowe, Secretary