January 15, 2009 Neighborhood Meeting Minutes
January 15, 2009
Neighborhood Meeting
Baxter Exum, Tim Klaben, Kelly Maly, Jim Schuhart, Beth Robertson, Susan Allen, Lyle Hasenberg, Marlene Hasenberg, Julie Naber, Vern Maiers, Merl Maiers, Darold Lowe, Teresa Northrup, Matt Hornberck, Mary Polancih, Bob Hanson
General Business
Meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm. President Hanson introduced elected officers.
Adoption of Agenda
Motion to approve by Lowe, seconded by M Maiers. Agenda adopted.
Approval of the Minutes of October 15, 2008
Minutes were read by Secretary Polancih. No corrections. Motion to approve by Lowe, seconded by M. Maiers. Minutes approved.
Elected Officers' Reports
President Bob Hanson
Brief report on 2008 Mayor's Neighborhood Roundtable Meeting held on Saturday Nov. 8, 2008 at Warner Park Community Center from 8 am-12:15 pm. He pointed out a display of information from the meeting and urged neighbors to take copies of any documents of interest. Urged anyone interested in a topic or issue to get on the appropriate committee. Ald. Cnare said she will appoint anyone who steps forward. Generic application forms were provided. In future, forms are available from the City website, Pres. Hanson or Ald. Cnare.
Public Works Projects will affect Rolling Meadows neighborhood from May to November this year. Many of our streets are scheduled for resurfacing. Many of us got special assessments notices. Merl Maiers volunteered that he talked to the city workers surveying his street. They were told to measure any curb or gutter that is out of alignment. Criteria is later used to determine whether individual areas will actually be replaced. They also related that, on Bobolink at least, the plan calls for the sewer to be replaced with a new style of sewer. Brief discussion.
Pres. Hanson mentioned at one of the sessions of the Neighborhood Roundtable Meeting it was mentioned that Rolling Meadows area is in middle of the 10 yr. cycle of review of city streets and structures. Question was asked: If the city is going to resurface, are they going to replace sewers at the same time or wait? Pres. Hanson plans to attend the informational meeting of 1-21-09, and that is one of the questions he intends to ask.
Last Fall, Pres. Hanson attended a meeting where city designated dog parks ere discussed. There is a large amount of money designated for dog park development. The city intention is to get a designated dog park within walking distance for everyone. Money for development of these parks comes from fees paid for their use. Question was asked: Is the city asking for neighborhoods to designate areas that can be funded? Answer: None in our neighborhood are currently under consideration, though Kennedy Park was mentioned for consideration at that meeting.
Vice President Matt Hornbeck
VP Hornbeck reports Alliance Church has volunteered use of their meeting room for RMNA meetings into the foreseeable future. Since Matt is a member of one of the congregations; he has been given a key. Future RMNA meetings will be held on Thursdays, in the lower level of the Alliance Church. Suggestion was made that we set a meeting that people can anticipate, i.e. the second Thursday of the month. Pres. Hanson indicated that we would attempt to do that.
Treasurer Teresa Northrup
RMNA has money! Pres. Hanson and Treasurer Northrup moved the money from the old account held at Chase bank to Associated Bank branch on Cottage Grove. The bank provided a no fees account. Bob and Teresa are both approved to sign checks. As of 12/31/08 the balance was $730.55.
Secretary Mary Polancih
One of the big issues at the first RMNA meeting was to get a RMNA newsletter up and going. Tim Klaben stepped forward and volunteered to put together an electronic RMNA Newsletter. He proposed to the officers using www.constantcontact, a website with which he is familiar. Polling of the attendees indicated that all present had received the electronic newsletter and that was how they knew of the meeting. Recipients were asked to make copies and get them to interested neighbors. This is a temporary attempt to meet the need of those neighbors not having email or not yet "connected" to RMNA.
Reports of Community Leaders
Alderperson Lauren Cnare
Unable to attend. No report.
Old Business
Adoption of Bylaws (1994)
Copies of the 1994 RMNA Bylaws were made available to attendees. Officers' recommendation was to adopt for immediate use and make considered changes in the future as needed.
Motion by Darold Lowe: Adopt the Bylaws of 1994 using a current neighborhood map (provided by City of Madison). Seconded by Maiers. Brief discussion. Motion passed without amendment.
Editor Tim Klaben explained he arranged a free 60-day trial to use the Constant Contact website to produce the first issue that went out to all available email addresses. The trial expires on Feb 8. License fees to use the site after that will be about $20/month. We will receive a 15% discount if we pay for a full year up front. Brief discussion. Suggestion was made that the newsletter can be put into pdf format to create a print version to share with others. Tim mentioned that the site license will allow us to send out blasts and to survey and collect circulation and site use statistics automatically.
Discussion of the past difficulties RMNA faced when all households received print newsletters but not all paid dues. Several present remember feeling the inequity of that system.
Motion by Lowe: Move we pay for website license for 2009. Seconded by Maiers. Passed.
Tim has also started looking into developing a website. He as identified a list of available domain names. He believes we could get a website registered and running with very little expenditure. Brief discussion. Consensus was that additional research should be done and reported to the officers.
New Business
Immediate need is for a Newsletter Committee and a Finance Committee. Hope is that committees will be formed to address topics or issues as they become important. They will be expected to do the needed research, develop action plan and identify funding needs. They will bring action plan to the officers and/or membership, with recommendations. Once action plans are approved, they will be expected to carry out the plan and report to the membership periodically. Pres. Hanson asked for individuals to sign up for committees and indicated sign ups were provided on the side table. Neighbors were urged to get involved in something they cared about changing or preserving.
Note: After the meeting, Tim Klaben, Beth Robertson and Kelly Maly volunteered to form the Newsletter Committee, and will also look into feasibility of the website. Darold Lowe volunteered to join the Finance Committee.
RMNA dues
Brief discussion. Consensus was to table discussion of dues until we have the organization up and running. Rationale was we need to prove to neighbors that we are going to be viable and develop a track record as an organization before we start charging dues. We can keep expenses low for now. Once the website is up and running it should be possible to get advertising enough to fund communications-newsletter, both electronic and print, and website.
Other Business/Announcements
Schedule Next RMNA Meeting
Next meeting will be April 9, 6:30-8:00 pm at Alliance Church in the lower level meeting room.
Meeting adjourned at 8:02 pm.