April RMNA meeting: New Life at Talula's & Vernon Arms Apts
Talula's & the Vernon Arms Apartments are under new management.
Whether the weather wants to cooperate or not, spring is on the way. We thought our April RMNA meeting would be a good opportunity for residents of Rolling Meadows to meet the new management of two very visible properties near our neighborhood. So, we invited the new management of Lagartos (formerly Talula's) and the Vernon Arms Apartments to come introduce themselves and share some information about their businesses.
Emerald Ash Borer Information
The RMNA board will share some resources and information from the City of Madison Forester regarding the Emerald Ash Borer and the city's efforts to address the pest and save the ash trees it threatens. We have also invited the City Forester to come speak at our August meeting.
Help support Acewood Alliance Pantry
We are very proud of the success the Acewood Alliance Pantry has shown in its service to those in need in our community. We would like RMNA to contribute to their efforts, so we ask those attending the meeting to bring a donation of one or more items on the pantry's need list, including:
- toiletries
- razor blades
- shaving cream
- feminine hygiene products
- deodorant/anti-antiperspirant
- toilet paper
- paper towels
The April RMNA meeting will be held:
Thursday, April 10 at 7pm
New Beginnings Alliance Church
602 Acewood Blvd
Because of our growing attendance at meetings we will now be meeting on the main floor of the church rather than in the basement. Our thanks to the church and Pastor Badger for allowing us to expand upstairs!