July 9, 2009 General Membership Meeting Minutes

July 9, 2009
General Membership Meeting

Meeting was called to order by President Hanson at 6:30 pm.

Adoption of Agenda was moved, seconded and approved.

Printed copies of the minutes of April 16, 2009 were provided. Approved without correction.

Guest Speaker:
Paul Logan, Dane County 911 Center Support Services Manager

Mr. Logan gave an overview of how the 911 Call Center works and gave tips for using "911." He then answered questions. Website: www.dane911.com

Elected Officers Reports

President Bob Hanson
Provide copies of the proposed 2010-2015 Capital Budget for Madison Water Utility and the 2010- 2015 Long Range Capital Improvement Budget for review. Next meeting's speaker will be from the Water Utility and will answer questions about these documents.

Heritage Heights Neighborhood Association Picnic will be September 13. RMNA members are invited. More information available at the September 9 meeting.

RMNA Annual Meeting and election will be September 9 at Alliance Church. Meeting begins at 6:30 pm.

Vice President Matt Hornbeck
RMNA Sign Project Update: Proposed site for the sign is the median on Acewood Blvd. between Sentry and Walgreen's. Several sign companies in the area were called. Openwood Studio responded with a bid of $3150 for an installed sign. Busch's provided a response. Their website gave a cost range of $1800-$2500 installed. Matt asked members present for design ideas. He said the permit process is ongoing.

Darold Lowe recommended 3-4 designs be presented at the September meeting. Matt clarified that we are only in the planning process. Design is one of the last things done after the permits, approval of the proposal by the City Council, and completion of the grant process.

Treasurer Teresa Northrup
(absent due to illness)

Secretary Mary Polancih
Minutes for April 16 meeting were prepared and distributed at this meeting. No additions to the membership.

Reports of Standing Committees

TRAFFIC - Jim Schuhart
Objective : Trying to control traffic on Acewood. Safe Community Program will provide yard signs and electronic spped sign. Volunteers wil be needed and must be trained before the event. Discussion.

President Hanson reported he talked to Ald. Cnare about the ongoing concern. She reported that a pedestrian refuge will be installed on Acewood when Bob-O-Link is resurfaced. A special meting with David Dryer of City Engineering would need to happen very soon. Discussionn. Request was made for a meeting to be set up Bob will do it.

Old Business

RE: Business participation in RMNA
President Hanson received message from Jule Stroik, Neighborhoods Coordinator which was provided as a handout. He also spoke with Ald. Cnare, who is in favor. Elvehjem and others have non-voting business seats on their boards.

New Business

Vernon Ave
Concern raised about whether the area is improving. Discussion. Concern voiced about current posted parking restrictions on the street. Discussion. President Hanson suggested the member contact Traffic Engineering for information and to make suggestions.

Adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Polancih, Secretary