February 2016 General Membership Meeting
Neighborhood conversation regarding proposed Kwik Trip store at Cottage Grove Rd & Acewood Blvd.
June 2015 General Membership Meeting
Guest Speaker:
- Madison Police Department East District (tentative)
April 2015 General Membership Meeting
Developments at Sentry & Rolling Meadows Shopping Center!
Plus, the Habitat ReStore.
Come join us to hear from staff from the City of Madison's Department of Planning and Community & Economic Development about new, evolving developments related to the former Sentry property & the Rolling Meadows Shopping Center. The City wants to hear your feedback about the proposals. We are very excited to provide a forum for you to discuss this important commercial site in our neighborhood!
Plus, the director of the Habitat ReStore, Steve Hanrahan, will be presenting on the services ReStore offers to our community and the items you can donate if you are planning a remodel or need to clear out garage space. You may not even need to move the items yourself!
Guest Speakers:
- Steve Hanrahan – Director, Habitat ReStore
- Staff, City of Madison's Department of Planning and Community & Economic Development
February 2015 General Membership Meeting
Guest Speakers:
- Nan Brien & Bethany Ordaz (Madison Metropolitan School District referendum)
- Amanda Hall (uncontested candidate for District 3 Alder)
2014 General Membership Meeting #3
Guest Speaker: Lisa Johnson, Horticultural Educator at UW-Extension Dane County
Agenda: TBA
2014 General Membership Meeting #2
Guest Speakers:
- Owner of Lagartos (formerly Talula's)
- Manager of the Vernon Arms Apartments
Agenda: TBA
2014 General Membership Meeting #1
Guest Speaker:
Lt. Trevor Knight, Madison Police Department East District
Agenda: TBA
Support the Acewood Alliance Pantry
The RMNA Executive Board kindly requests those in attendance bring a food or personal care item donation for the Acewood Alliance Pantry. High-demand items include:
- toilet paper
- Kleenex
- feminine hygiene products
Your kindness makes a difference.