to Jun 15

Neighborhood Garage Sale

What better way to clear the house of the things that no longer spark joy in your life than a Garage Sale?

This spring June 13th-June 15th Is the Rolling Meadows Neighborhood Garage Sale.

So break out the lawn chairs and lemonade and lets have some fun getting to know your neighbors.

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1:00 PM13:00

Clean up the Parks

Join us as we clean up our neighborhood parks on Sunday, May 5, at 1 PM! We'll be meeting at the playground by the park entrance on Charleen Lane. From there, we split up to also cover Kingston-Onyx Park and Portland Park. We're usually done in about 30 minutes.

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7:00 PM19:00

Neighborhood Association Meeting

  • New Beginnings Alliance Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Officer Emily Samson of the Madison Police Department will be our guest speaker.  Emily is the Crime Prevention and Crime Stoppers Coordinator for the MPD, and will be presenting on The Good Neighbor Project.

The Good Neighbor Project seeks to emphasize opportunities for neighbors to connect with neighbors in positive and inclusive ways.  More info about the project can be found HERE.

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7:00 PM19:00

Neighborhood Association Meeting

  • New Beginnings Alliance Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Please join us for our next Rolling Meadows Neighborhood Association Meeting on Thursday, September 14. The meeting will take place at New Beginnings Alliance Church, 602 Acewood Boulevard.

At the September meeting, we will be holding an election for the neighborhood association's board of directors.  The election will determine the new leadership of the association, so please join us if you can!

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1:30 PM13:30

Neighborhood Party

Please join us for a Rolling Meadows Neighborhood Party on Saturday, August 5!

The event will be from 1:30-4:30 pm at the Kingston-Onyx Park, which is located at 334 Garnet Lane.

MSCR will be on hand with a variety of fun games, and the Rolling Meadows Neighborhood Association will provide free ice cream and soda!

We will update you with final details as they become available. We hope to see you there!

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7:00 PM19:00

Neighborhood Association Meeting

Please join us for our July 2017 Rolling Meadows Neighborhood Association Meeting!

The meeting will be on July 13 at 7:00 pm. We will be meeting at the New Beginnings Alliance Church on 602 Acewood Boulevard.

Our guest speaker will be a representative from the Madison Police Department. The MPD rep will address neighborhood concerns, including recent violence in the area.  Please attend if you have any questions or concerns you'd like to voice.

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7:00 PM19:00

April 2015 General Membership Meeting

  • New Beginnings Acewood Alliance Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
RMNA Shopping Center.jpg

Developments at Sentry & Rolling Meadows Shopping Center!
Plus, the Habitat ReStore.

Come join us to hear from staff from the City of Madison's Department of Planning and Community & Economic Development about new, evolving developments related to the former Sentry property & the Rolling Meadows Shopping Center. The City wants to hear your feedback about the proposals. We are very excited to provide a forum for you to discuss this important commercial site in our neighborhood!

Plus, the director of the Habitat ReStore, Steve Hanrahan, will be presenting on the services ReStore offers to our community and the items you can donate if you are planning a remodel or need to clear out garage space. You may not even need to move the items yourself!

Guest Speakers:

  • Steve Hanrahan – Director, Habitat ReStore
  • Staff, City of Madison's Department of Planning and Community & Economic Development
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