June 16, 2011 General Memebership Meeting Minutes
General Membership Meeting
June 16, 2011
RMNA meeting called to order at 6:35pm by Secretary Gretchen Lowe in the absence of President Mary Polancih who is recovering from surgery.
Introductions of members present.
Guest speaker Sherron Hopkins, Energy Advocate for Green Madison, presented handouts to members about helping Madison residents reduce energy while saving money.
To qualify for this program, an application that is available on the City's website (www.cityofmadison.com/greenmadison) would have to filed and an advocate would walk through inspections. The next step would be to hire a specific consultant to test your home. The cost would be $400-$700 with a $100 rebate for the 1st 1000 who sign up for this program.
Madison is working with Summit Credit Union to offer unsecured loans between $1,000 to $15,00 with low rates and flexible repayment terms. (1 to 15 year repayment plan) Then you would chose of a list of Green Madison contractors to do the work. The consultant would then return to verify that the work was done correctly.
Motion to accept the agenda by Merl Maiers, seconded by Jim Schuhart. Motion passed.
Motion to accept the minutes of March 10, 2011 by Merl Maiers, seconded by Jim Schuhart. Motion passed.
President's Report
A handout from Mary Polancih was provided members describing activities and involvement by RMNA.
2011 Earth Day cleanup at our area parks; RMNA Welcome sign; neighborhood collaborations; the proposed grocery store at Grandview Commons; concerns about speeding on Cottage Grove Road; announcement regarding a candidate forum for the 48th Assembly District to be held at Talula's and a plea for block captains
Vice President's Report
The Website has seen an increase in traffic since the Welcome sign went up and Facebook is a good tool for contact with younger members in our neighborhood. A Lawn sign next to our neighborhood Welcome sign with "Find us on Facebook" would help getting the word out about RMNA.
Treasurer's Report
Balance $1525.83 in checking; $200 for website and $690 in sign fund.
Sign Report
Darold Lowe reported that the RMNA Welcome sign is up and paid for with the total cost being $2224. He will file the close out form next to give to the City of Madison to get the rest of the grant money. ($1000)
No report from the Kennedy Alliance Network (KAN).
Old Business
Elections-- Nominations Committee volunteers Merl & Vern Maiers and Matt Karnick
Block Captains -- A suggestion was made that we might consider raising an awareness for RMNA association by having members walk through their various neighborhood at specific times such as 5:00pm or after in several shifts. Another neighborhood association has done this with the result being a drop in smaller crimes.
The following have signed up to be block captains:
- Matt Karnick -- Hummingbird Lane
- Darold Lowe -- Crystal Lane and Cameo Lane
- Jim Schuhart-- parts of Acewood to Onyx, Turquoise, Topaz and Goldfinch and Garnet
- Betty May Field and friend-- Flora Lane
- Teresa Northrup & friend-- Hermsmeier
- Merl & Vern Maiers -- Bobolink to Shearwater to Goldfinch Dr.
Motion to adjourn by Darold Lowe, seconded by Jim Schuhart.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Submitted by Gretchen Lowe, Secretary.