November 11, 2010 General Membership Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting
November 11, 2010

Meeting called to order by President Mary Polancih at 6:30 pm.

Motion to adopt the agenda by Darold Lowe, seconded by Tim Klaben. Motion passed.

Motion for approval of the minutes of September 9, 2010 by Darold Lowe, seconded by Tim Klaben. Motion passed.

Elected Officers Reports

President Polancih reported about the Kennedy Neighborhood Alliance that meets monthly at Kennedy School. We have already joined this organization and it would be mutually beneficial to both the school and the neighborhood to have someone from our neighborhood that would attend these meetings that are held from 8:00-9:30 on the third Friday of every month. Karen Reuss volunteered along with President Polancih.

President Polancih also gave an update on the Grandview Commons grocery store. The original grocery store of 25,000 feet now has been expanded to 60,000 feet. Alder Cnare supports the plan but wants to be fair to all parties. The new Great Dane located in the old Cloud Nine will be opening after Thanksgiving.

Vice President Klaben: Three new webpage subscribers. He will post sign donors on webpage.

Treasurer: Current balance is $2868.82

Secretary Report: Mayors Neighborhood Roundtable – Panel discussion regarding the City of Madison development review process and how that affects neighborhoods; tips for methods of communication with Planning Department; emphasis on getting a clear picture of the entire neighborhood to determine needs.

Sign Committee Report

Darold Lowe described the Sign Committee process – sign design, planning dept and fundraising. So far $2178.45 has been raised with grant money from the City of Madison still pending. Merl Maiers suggested that it would be helpful to put mulch down in the spot where the sign will be located to make it easier to plant the flowers next spring.

Pastor William Badger will donate $100 towards the new sign.

Future Planning—Building Memberships

Discussions included: Lawn Signs advertising RMNA; Write-up on how to plan a Block Party; the Nine Square Safety Plan; Movie Night; Facebook page or Twitter (Tim will take care of that); Use the Walgreen Sign to advertise our meetings; Have a Talent Show; Neighborhood Garage Sales; Take Back the Night; Brat Fundraiser; Earth Day Cleanup; Banner on Webpage

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.