November 12, 2009 General Membership Meeting Minutes

General Membership Meeting
November 12, 2009
General Business

Called to Order at 6:30 p.m.

Introductions of officers and those in attendance

Adoption of Agenda

Motion to adopt. Seconded. Passed without revision.

Introduction of Guest Speakers


Approval of the Minutes of September 10, 2009

Motion to approve minutes. Seconded. Passed without corrections.

Elected Officers' Reports

President Polancih (report printed in Nov. newsletter)
Website report

Vice President Tim Klaben

Acewood Traffic: Added signs on the curves on Acewood (tagged already)

RMNA website: Now links most popular sites. Need more content. Get history of RMNA for newsletter. Need amateur historian to do story. Need to get membership out. Neighborhood signs (when we can afford get them) will need more people to take them to break even. Need more people to help build membership.. $20/month for website and email is the cost. Trying to get ads on website to help with costs. Need to find things to take credit for like the traffic islands.

Treasurer Teresa Northurp

As of 10/2/09 current checking acct balance $677.66

Reports of Standing Committees

Report of Alder Lauren Cnare

Encouraged residents to come to a budget meeting.

2010 Budget passed. Big items: Library & Edgewater. 4 Streets workers laid off. Big item pick-up will be every other week now on recycle day. Tax rate increased 4.09% will increase $75 on average home. Didn't cut services.

Water utility setting up automated water meter. Monthly bills.

Neighborhood Indicators Program - measure things in neighborhood helps city to see data on different neighborhoods.

Crime: Going down.

Police change of schedule - 5 shifts - have more people on jobs when crime is committed for better response.
Discussion with Ald Cnare:

Acewood Traffic Island: VP Klaben asked Ald. Cnare to check if traffic island boundaries can be painted yellow. Also a suggestion for no passing double line.

Grocery store interested in building in Reston Heights not in approved plan. Important to have neighborhoods to monitor development.

Royster's Plan: 2 more mixed neighborhoods - residential use, apartment buildings retail stores, park space. Whoever buys parcel has to have master plan.

City Website: Will bring a laptop to show how to navigate city website. VP Klaben will get a projector.

New tenant in Rolling Meadows Mall - Damascus Road Church. Had a huge Halloween Party in the parking lot. 400 kids attended. Suggestion that RMNA make contact with them and share info about our neighborhood.
Opportunities to help build RMNA

Old Business


New Business

Traffic Island (See above)

Mayor's Neighborhood Roundtable meeting last week end. President and Vice President attended and were provided with a great deal of useful info.
