Rolling Meadows is a neighborhood on the east side of Madison in Wisconsin. It is located near the north side of Lake Monona and the Olbrich Botanical Gardens — just to the east of U.S. Highway 51 / Stoughton Road and between the main thoroughfares of Milwaukee Street and Cottage Grove Road.
The neighborhood has approximately 1,000 households, 2,400 residents, and a wealth of parks + public spaces.
The neighborhood association organizes events and supports the interests + wellbeing of residents.
Promoting a spirit of camaraderie among area residents

Rolling Meadows is known for its majestic tree-lined streets, numerous parks, and caring neighbors of all ages. Apartments and houses in the neighborhood were predominantly build in the 1960s and are home to many young families as well as those that have spent their whole lives in their first home.
Established in September 2011, the Rolling Meadows Neighborhood Association was formed to support the interests and wellbeing of residents. The association, with residents and friends from all walks of life, work together to:
promote a spirit of camaraderie among the residents of the area,
provide opportunities for cooperation among these residents in projects which are in the interest of the community,
provide one voice in expressing opinions in matters which affect the citizens of the community and this association.
All residents who live in the Rolling Meadows neighborhood and surrounding areas are welcome to participate in activities organized by the community.